postmodern - PostgreSQL programming interace

Version: 1.32

Nickname: pomo
Licence: zlib
Repository: marijnh/Postmodern - Github

This page was possible due to the excellent official documentation. In fact, there are several sections the manual goes into, which we do not go into below.

In case of any inaccuracies, ambiguities or suggestions, please create an issue here.

Postmodern is a Common Lisp library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases. The focus has been on:

  • Efficient communication with the database server without need for foreign libraries.
  • Support for UTF-8 on Unicode-aware Lisp implementations
  • A syntax for mixing SQL and Lisp code
  • Convenient support for prepared statements and stored procedures
  • A metaclass for simple database-access objects

The biggest differences between this library and clsql or cl-dbi or to some extent, mito, are that Postmodern has no intention of being portable across different SQL implementations (it embraces non-standard PostgreSQL features), and approaches extensions like lispy SQL and database access objects in a quite different way.

In addition, there is no builtin support for migrations, for which, you may want to use other libraries -

mito, along with being an ORM, also provides support for migrations.


Starting the Postgres server

Follow the installation instructions to install Postgres. Once done, you should have access to the database server daemon postgres and the helper commands pg_ctl and psql on your command line / terminal.

Once done, this page elaborates the process of starting the database server and any issues that may arise. (The postgresql version can be selected from the top of that page.)

  • Initialize the directory: pg_ctl init -D postmodern # see \pg_ctl --help\ from the options.
  • Optionally, change port and unix_socket_directories from postmodern/postgresql.conf. (Simply search for lines starting with these terms.)
  • pg_ctl start -D postmodern to start the server.

You should get a server started message; if not, the link above should help in debugging. Proceed to the next section once you successfully start the server.

This page elaborates on the configuration settings.

In addition, you can list the databases by using psql -pPORT-hunix_socket_directories-l, replacing the italicized arguments appropriately.

A few things to note above include that you can run multiple postgres servers from different directories on different ports on a single machine. Note also that the directory name is independent of the database name.

Connecting to the Postgres server

Postgres has a connect-toplevel and with-connection besides a few other ways (see below) for establishing connections. The latter establishes connections with a lexical scope and can be useful in the case of multiple roles. See connect for the spec in with-connection.

Below, we firstly connect to the default existing database postgres. Create a new database testdb for our purpose, and then disconnect and reconnect to this new database. The first connection and disconnection is all carried out by the with-connection. Assume that "foucault" role is a superuser, and that the database server was started above at the non-default port 8080.

(See psql -p 8080 -hunix_socket_directories-c '\du' -d postgres to list all the users.)

(with-connection '("postgres" "foucault" "surveiller" "localhost" :port 8080)
  (create-database 'testdb :limit-public-access t
    :comment "This database is for testing silly theories"))

(connect-toplevel "testdb" "foucault" "surveiller" "localhost" :port 8080)

Connect-toplevel will maintain a single connection for the life of the session.

A word about Postgresql connections: Postgresql connections are not lightweight threads. They actually consume about 10 MB of memory per connection and Postgresql can be tuned to limit the number of connections allowed at any one time. In addition, any connections which require security (ssl or scram authentication) will take additional time and create more overhead.

If you have an application (web apps for instance) which will make many connections, you generally do not want to create and drop connections for every query. The usual solution is to use connection pools so that the application is grabbing an already existing connection and returning it to the pool when finished, saving connection time and memory.

To use postmodern's simple connection pooler, the with-connection call would look like:

(with-connection '("testdb" "foucault" "surveiller" "localhost" :pooled-p t)

The maximum number of connections is determined by *max-pool-size*.

Things you may want to take a look at with regards to connection include:

Executing arbitrary database commands

Query is the basic way to send queries to the database:

CL-USER> (query "select 22, 'Folie et déraison', 4.5")
((22 "Folie et déraison" 9/2))
CL-USER> (query (:select 22 "Folie et déraison" 4.5))
((22 "Folie et déraison" 9/2))

In many contexts, query strings and lists starting with keywords can be used interchangeably. The lists will be compiled to SQL. The S-SQL manual describes the syntax used by these expressions. Lisp values occurring in them are automatically escaped. In the above query, only constant values are used, but it is possible to transparently use run-time values as well:

CL-USER> (defun database-powered-addition (a b)
           (query (:select (:+ a b)) :single))
CL-USER> (database-powered-addition 1030 204)

That last argument, :single, indicates that we want the result not as a list of lists (for the result rows), but as a single value, since we know that we are only selecting one value. See the documentation of query for the other options.

You do not have to pull in the whole result of a query at once, you can also iterate over it with the doquery macro.

The following things should be useful about querying:

Database Access Class

You can work directly with the database or you can use a simple database-access-class (aka dao-class) which would cover all the fields in a row. This is what a database-access class looks like:

(defclass points ()
  ((x :col-type integer :initarg :x
      :reader point-x)
   (y :col-type integer :initarg :y
      :reader point-y)
   (value :col-type integer :initarg :value
          :accessor value))
  (:metaclass dao-class)
  (:keys x y))

Once the class is defined, we create the table in the database:

CL-USER> (dao-table-definition 'points)
CL-USER> (execute (dao-table-definition 'points))

In more complicated cases, you might want to :create-table directly. You can use sql to view the result of parsing the form.

CL-USER> (sql (:create-table so-items
                             ((item-id :type integer)
                              (so-id :type (or integer db-null) :references ((so-headers id)))
                              (product-id :type (or integer db-null))
                              (qty :type (or integer db-null))
                              (net-price :type (or numeric db-null)))
                             (:primary-key item-id so-id)))

(Note that you'd need to execute this form using query or execute. Also see this for details and examples on using S-SQL for creating tables.)

You can use insert-dao for inserting DAO-objects into the database. (Of course, you can use query to do all this using the usual SQL syntax.)

CL-USER> (insert-dao (make-instance 'points :x 0 :y 1 :value 10))
#<POINTS {10145AC1D3}>
CL-USER> (insert-dao (make-instance 'points :x 1 :y 0 :value 15))
#<POINTS {10145B5EA3}>
CL-USER> (select-dao 'country)
(#<COUNTRY {101C5F3103}> #<COUNTRY {101C5F3883}>)
CL-USER> (select-dao 'points)
(#<POINTS {1017B9BB93}> #<POINTS {1017B9BC23}>)
CL-USER> (query (:select '* :from 'points))
((0 1 10) (1 0 15))

Finally, you can use update-dao to, well, update the database entry:

CL-USER> (let ((1-0 (get-dao 'points 1 0)))
           (setf (value 1-0) 20)
           (update-dao 1-0))
#<POINTS {101F1628E3}>
CL-USER> (query (:select '* :from 'points))
((0 1 10) (1 0 20))

Here are the other useful constructs related to database access objects:


Finally, here is some more demonstration of S-SQL syntax:

(sql (:select 'relname :from '
      :inner-join ' :on (:= 'relnamespace 'pg-namespace.oid)
      :where (:and (:= 'relkind "r")
                   (:not-in 'nspname (:set "pg_catalog" "pg_toast"))
                   ( 'pg-class.oid))))
;; => "(SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
;;      INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
;;      WHERE ((relkind = 'r') and (nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast'))
;;             and pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(pg_class.oid)))"

Lists starting with keywords are used to express SQL commands and operators while lists starting with something else will be evaluated and then inserted into the query. Quoted symbols name columns or tables (keywords can also be used but might introduce ambiguities). The syntax supports subqueries, multiple joins, stored procedures, etc. See the S-SQL reference manual for a complete treatment.

[TODO] Add more S-SQL examples. Compare them with SxQL as well.

Prepared statements

Example Usage:

CL-USER> (funcall (prepare (:select '* :from 'points
                                    :where (:= 'x '$1)))
((0 1 10))


The meaning of the term migration depends upon the context. People can talk about migrating from Oracle to Postgresql or to Mssql or Mysql. In that context, migration means changing database structure and functions from one database implementation to another.

To developers, the term migration normally means tracking and managing version changes of the database structure in the development process. This is often called schema migration. Of course development often continues after software has gone into production, in which case "migration' not only needs to deal with version controls of the database structure, but also needs to ensure that such changes of the database do not result in lost production data. For example, renaming a column in a database table is a simple one command operation in development but at least four commands if there is actually data in the column.

There are two different approaches taken to schema migration. The first and more typical approach is is writing scripts to manage changes, both forward and back. The second approach is to generate diff snapshots and determine the changes needed to move from one snapshot to another. Both have their pluses and minuses, particularly when it comes to how to manage the data that already exists in the database.

The script writing approach requires the developer to write both the sql commands necessary to make the desired change and the requisite sql commands to undo that change. Typically these scripts are then saved in .sql files in a migration directory and a migration library is used to track dependencies which can get complicated if there are more than one developer on the team.

Undoing migrations (sometimes called rollbacks) is difficult if production data exists on the database. There are schools of thought among DBAs that rollbacks should never be allowed because of the danger of losing critical production data.

It may be obvious, but it is a good reminder that any migration should start with creating a backup which has been tested.

Other useful constructs




When set to t, ensured-prepared will overwrite prepared statements having the same name if the query statement itself in the postmodern meta connection is different than the query statement provided to ensure-prepared.



This is bound to the current transaction-handle or savepoint-handle instance representing the innermost open logical transaction.



Special variable holding the current database connection information. Most functions and macros operating on a database assume this binds to a connected database.



The default for connect's use-ssl argument. This starts at :no. If you set it to anything else, be sure to also load the CL+SSL library.



Determines whether double quotes are added around column, table, and function names in queries. Valid values:

  • T, in which case every name is escaped,
  • NIL, in which case no name is escape,
  • :auto, which causes only reserved words to be escaped, or.
  • :literal which is the same as :auto except it has added consequence in to-sql-name.

The default value is :auto.

Be careful when binding this with let and such ― since a lot of SQL compilation tends to happen at compile-time, the result might not be what you expect. Mixed case sensitivity is not currently well supported. Postgresql itself will downcase unquoted identifiers. This will be revisited in the future if requested.



Normally, when get-dao, select-dao, or query-dao finds a column in the database that's not in the DAO class, it will raise an error. Setting this variable to a non-NIL will cause it to simply ignore the unknown column.



The transaction isolation level currently in use. Defaults to :read-committed-rw

You can specify the following isolation levels in postmodern transactions:

  • :read-committed-rw (read committed with read and write)
  • :read-committed-ro (read committed with read only)
  • :repeatable-read-rw (repeatable read with read and write)
  • :repeatable-read-ro (repeatable read with read only)
  • :serializable (serializable with reand and write)



Set the maximum amount of connections kept in a single connection pool, where a pool consists of all the stored connections with the exact same connect arguments. Defaults to NIL, which means there is no maximum.



Used inside deftable to find the name of the table being defined.



Used inside deftable to find the name of the table being defined.



Used inside deftable to find the symbol naming the table being defined.



Function: (!dao-def)

Should only be used inside a deftable form. Define this table using the corresponding DAO class' slots. Adds the result of calling dao-table-definition on table-symbol to the definition.


Function: (!foreign target fields &rest

Used insde a deftable form. Add a foreign key to the table being defined. target-table is the referenced table. columns is a list of column names or single name in this table, and, if the columns have different names in the referenced table, target-columns must be another list of column names or single column name of the target-table, or :primary-key to denote the column(s) of the target-table's primary key as referenced column(s).

The on-delete and on-update arguments can be used to specify ON DELETE and ON UPDATE actions, as per the keywords allowed in create-table. In addition, the deferrable and initially-deferred arguments can be used to indicate whether constraint checking can be deferred until the current transaction completed, and whether this should be done by default. Note that none of these are really &key arguments, but rather are picked out of a &rest arg at runtime, so that they can be specified even when target-columns is not given.


Function: (!index &rest fields)

Used inside a deftable form. Define an index on the table being defined. The columns can be given as symbols or strings.


Function: (!unique target-fields &key deferrable initially-deferred)

Constrains one or more columns to only contain unique (combinations of) values, with deferrable and initially-deferred defined as in !foreign


Function: (!unique-index &rest fields)

Used inside a deftable form. Define a unique index on the defined table.


Generic Function: (abort-hooks object)
Generic Function: (setf (abort-hooks object) ...)

An accessor for the transaction or savepoint's list of abort hooks, each of which should be a function with no required arguments. These functions will be executed when a transaction is aborted or a savepoint rolled back (whether via a non-local transfer of control or explicitly by either abort-transaction or rollback-savepoint).


Generic Function: (abort-logical-transaction obj)

Roll back the given logical transaction, regardless of whether it is an actual transaction or a savepoint.


Function: (abort-transaction transaction)

Roll back the given transaction.


Function: (add-comment type name comment &optional (second-name ))

Attempts to add a comment to a particular database object. The first parameter is a keyword for the type of database object. The second parameter is the name of the object. The third parameter is the comment itself. Some objects require an additional identifier. The names can be strings or symbols.

Example usage would be:

(add-comment :database 'my-database-name "Does anyone actually use this database?")

(add-comment :column ' "Is what it looks like - the name of a country")

(add-comment :column "" "Is what it looks like - the name of a country")

Example usage where two identifiers are required would be constraints:

(add-comment :constraint 'constraint1  "Some kind of constraint descriptions here"


Function: (alter-role-search-path role search-path)

Changes the priority of where a role looks for tables (which schema first, second, etc. Role should be a string or symbol. Search-path could be a list of schema names either as strings or symbols.


'(signed-byte 64)


Function: (bloat-measurement)

→ list

Bloat measurement of unvacuumed dead tuples. Borrowed from: who borrowed it from


'(array (unsigned-byte 8))


Function: (cache-hit-ratio)

→ list

The cache hit ratio shows data on serving the data from memory compared to how often you have to go to disk. This function returns a list of heapblocks read from disk, heapblocks hit from memory and the ratio of heapblocks hit from memory / total heapblocks hit. Borrowed from:


Function: (call-with-connection spec thunk)

The functional backend to with-connection. Binds *database* to a new connection as specified by spec, which should be a list that connect can be applied to, and runs the zero-argument function given as second argument in the new environment. When the function returns or throws, the new connection is disconnected.


Function: (cancel-backend pid &optional (database *database*))

Polite way of terminating a query at the database (as opposed to calling close-database). This is slower than (terminate-backend pid) and does not always work.


Function: (change-password role password &optional expiration-date)

Alters a role's password. If the optional expiration-date parameter is provided, the password will expire at the stated date. A sample expiration date would be 'December 31, 2020'. If the expiration date is 'infinity', it will never expire. The password will be encrypted in the system catalogs. This is automatic with postgresql versions 10 and above.


Function: (change-toplevel-database new-database user password host)

→ string

Just changes the database assuming you are using a toplevel connection. Recommended only for development work. Returns the name of the newly connected database as a string.


Function: (check-query-performance &optional (ob nil) (num-calls 100) (limit 20))

→ list

This function requires that postgresql extension pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries. It is borrowed from Optional parameters:

OB allow order-by to be 'calls', 'total-time', 'rows-per' or 'time-per', defaulting to time-per.

num-calls to require that the number of calls exceeds a certain threshold, and limit to limit the number of rows returned. It returns a list of lists, each row containing the query, number of calls, total_time, total_time/calls, stddev_time, rows, rows/calls and the cache hit percentage.


Function: (clear-connection-pool)

Disconnect and remove all connections from the connection pools.


Function: (coalesce &rest args)

→ value

Returns the first non-NIL, non-NULL (as in :null) argument, or NIL if none are present. Useful for providing a fall-back value for the result of a query, or, when given only one argument, for transforming :nulls to NIL.


Function: (column-exists-p table-name column-name &optional schema-name)

→ boolean

Determine if a particular column exists. Table name and column-name can be either strings or symbols. If the optional schema name is not given or the table-name is not fully qualified with a schema name, the schema will be assumed to be the public schema.


Generic Function: (commit-hooks obj)

An accessor for the transaction or savepoint's list of commit hooks, each of which should be a function with no required arguments. These functions will be executed when a transaction is committed or a savepoint released.


Generic Function: (commit-logical-transaction obj)

Commit the given logical transaction, regardless of whether it is an actual transaction or a savepoint.


Function: (commit-transaction transaction)

Immediately commit an open transaction.


Function: (connect database-name user-name password host &key (port 5432) pooled-p
 (use-ssl *default-use-ssl*) (service postgres))

→ database-connection

Create a new database connection for the given user and the database. Port will default to 5432, which is where most PostgreSQL servers are running. If pooled-p is T, a connection will be taken from a pool of connections of this type, if one is available there, and when the connection is disconnected it will be put back into this pool instead. use-ssl can be :no, :yes, or :try, as in open-database, and defaults to the value of *default-use-ssl*.


Function: (connect-toplevel database-name user-name password host &key (port 5432)
 (use-ssl *default-use-ssl*))

Bind the *database* to a new connection. Use this if you only need one connection, or if you want a connection for debugging from the REPL.


Function: (connected-p database)

→ boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the given connection is still connected to the server.


Function: (create-all-tables)

Creates all defined tables.


Function: (create-database database-name &key (encoding utf8) (connection-limit -1) owner
 limit-public-access comment collation template)

Creates a basic database. Besides the obvious database-name parameter, you can also use key parameters to set encoding (defaults to UTF8), owner, connection-limit (defaults to no limit)). If limit-public-access is set to t, then only superuser roles or roles with explicit access to this database will be able to access it. (See Roles below) If collation is set, the assumption is that template0 needs to be used as the base of the database rather than template1 which may contain encoding specific or locale specific data.

(create-database 'testdb :limit-public-access t
                         :comment "This database is for testing silly theories")


Function: (create-index name &key unique if-not-exists concurrently on using fields)

Create an index. Slightly less sophisticated than the query version because it does not have a where clause capability.


Function: (create-package-tables package)

Creates all tables identified by symbols interned in the given package.


Function: (create-role name password &key (base-role readonly) (schema public)
 (tables all) (databases current) (allow-whitespace nil) (allow-utf8 nil)
 (allow-disallowed-names nil) (comment nil))

Keyword parameters: Base-role. Base-role should be one of :readonly, :editor, :admin, :standard or :superuser. A readonly user can only select existing data in the specified tables or databases. An editor has the ability to insert, update, delete or select data. An admin has all privileges on a database, but cannot create new databases, roles, or replicate the system. A standard user has no particular privileges other than connecting to databases.

:schema defaults to :public but can be a list of schemas. User will not have access to any schemas not in the list.

:tables defaults to :all but can be a list of tables. User will not have access to any tables not in the list.

:databases defaults to :current but can be a list of databases. User will not have access to any databases not in the list.

:allow-whitespace - Whitespace in either the name or password is not allowed by default.

:allow-utf8 defaults to nil. If t, the name and password will be normalized. If nil, the name and password are limited to printable ascii characters. For fun reading on utf8 user names see Also interesting reading is and, and

:allow-disallowed-names defaults to nil. If nil, the user name will be checked against disallowed-role-names.

As an aside, if allowing utf8 in names, you might want to think about whether you should second copy of the username in the original casing and normalized as NFC for display purposes as opposed to normalizing to NFKC. It might be viewed as culturally insensitive to change the display of the name.


Function: (create-schema schema &optional authorization)

Creates a new schema. Raises an error if the schema is already exists.


Function: (create-sequence name &key temp if-not-exists increment min-value max-value
 start cache)

Create a sequence. Available additional key parameters are :temp :if-not-exists :increment :min-value :max-value :start and :cache. See for details on usage.


Function: (create-table name)

Takes the name of a dao-class and creates the table identified by symbol by executing all forms in its definition as found in the tables list.


Function: (current-database)

→ string

Returns the string name of the current database.



You can work directly with the database or you can use a simple database-access-class (aka dao) which would cover all the fields in a row.

Postmodern allows you to have a relatively simple but straight forward matching of clos classes to a database table. At the heart of Postmodern's DAO system is the dao-class metaclass. It allows you to define classes for your database-access objects as regular CLOS classes. Some of the slots in these classes will refer to columns in the database.

To specify that a slot refers to a column, give it a :col-type option containing an S-SQL type expression (useful if you want to be able to derive a table definition from the class definition), or simply a :column option with value T. Such slots can also take a :col-default option, used to provide a database-side default value as an S-SQL expression. You can use the :col-name initarg (whose unevaluated value will be passed to to-sql-name) to specify the slot's column's name.

DAO class definitions support two extra class options: :table-name to give the name of the table that the class refers to (defaults to the class name), and :keys to provide a set of primary keys for the table if they have not been specified in a single column. If more than one key is provided, this creates a multi-column primary key and all keys must be specified when using operations such as update-dao and get-dao. When no primary keys are defined, operations such as update-dao and get-dao will not work.

IMPORTANT: Class finalization for a dao class instance are wrapped with a thread lock. However, any time you are using threads and a class that inherits from other classes, you should ensure that classes are finalized before you start generating threads that create new instances of that class.

The (or db-null integer) form is used to indicate a column can have NULL values otherwise the column will be treated as NOT NULL.

Simple example:

(defclass users ()
  ((name :col-type string :initarg :name :accessor name)
   (creditcard :col-type (or db-null integer) :initarg :card :col-default :null)
   (score :col-type bigint :col-default 0 :accessor score))
  (:metaclass dao-class)
  (:keys name))

In this case the name of the users will be treated as the primary key and the database table is assumed to be users. (It might be worth noting that "user" is a reserved word for Postgresql and using reserved words, while possible using quotes, is generally not worth the additional trouble they cause.)

The name and score slots cannot be null, but the creditcard slot can be null and actually defaults to null. The :col-default :null specification ensures that the default in the database for this field is null, but it does not bound the slot to a default form. Thus, making an instance of the class without initializing this slot will leave it in an unbound state.

An example of a class where the keys are set as multiple column keys is here:

(defclass points ()
  ((x :col-type integer :initarg :x
      :reader point-x)
   (y :col-type integer :initarg :y
      :reader point-y)
   (value :col-type integer :initarg :value
          :accessor value))
  (:metaclass dao-class)
  (:keys x y))

In this case, retrieving a points record would look like the following where 12 and 34 would be the values you are looking to find in the x column and y column respectively.:

(get-dao 'points 12 34)

Now look at a slightly more complex example.

(defclass country ()
  ((id :col-type integer :col-identity t :accessor id)
   (name :col-type string :col-unique t :check (:<> 'name "")
         :initarg :name :reader country-name)
   (inhabitants :col-type integer :initarg :inhabitants
                :accessor country-inhabitants)
   (sovereign :col-type (or db-null string) :initarg :sovereign
              :accessor country-sovereign)
   (region-id :col-type integer :col-references ((regions id))
              :initarg :region-id :accessor region-id))
  (:documentation "Dao class for a countries record.")
  (:metaclass dao-class)
  (:table-name countries))

In this example we have an id column which is specified to be an identity column. Postgresql will automatically generate a sequence of of integers and this will be the primary key.

We have a name column which is specified as unique and is not null.

We have a region-id column which references the id column in the regions table. This is a foreign key constraint and Postgresql will not accept inserting a country into the database unless there is an existing region table with an id that matches this number. Postgresql will also not allow deleting a region if there are countries that reference that region's id. If we wanted Postgresql to delete countries when regions are deleted, that column would be specified as:

(region-id :col-type integer :col-references ((regions id) :cascade)
  :initarg :region-id :accessor region-id)

Now you can see why the double parens.

We also specified that the table name is not "country" but "countries". (Some style guides recommend that table names be plural and references to rows be singular.)

When inheriting from DAO classes, a subclass' set of columns also contains all the columns of its superclasses. The primary key for such a class is the union of its own keys and all the keys from its superclasses. Classes inheriting from DAO classes should probably always use the dao-class metaclass themselves.

When a DAO is created with make-instance, the :fetch-defaults keyword argument can be passed, which, when T, will cause a query to fetch the default values for all slots that refers to columns with defaults and were not bound through initargs. In some cases, such as serial and identity columns, which have an implicit default, this will not work. You can work around this by creating your own sequence, e.g. "my_sequence", and defining a (:nextval "my_sequence") default.

Finally, DAO class slots can have an option :ghost t to specify them as ghost slots. These are selected when retrieving instances, but not written when updating or inserting, or even included in the table definition. The only known use for this to date is for creating the table with (oids=true), and specify a slot like this:

(oid :col-type integer :ghost t :accessor get-oid)


Generic Function: (dao-exists-p dao)

→ boolean

Test whether a row with the same primary key as the given dao exists in the database. Will also return NIL when any of the key slots in the object are unbound.


Generic Function: (dao-keys class)

→ list

Returns list of slot names that are the primary key of DAO class. This is likely interesting if you have primary keys which are composed of more than one slot. Pay careful attention to situations where the primary key not only has more than one column, but they are actually in a different order than they are in the database table itself. You can check this with the internal find-primary-key-info function. Obviously the table needs to have been defined. The class must be quoted.

(pomo:find-primary-key-info 'country1)

(("name" "text") ("id" "integer"))

→ list

Returns list of values that are the primary key of dao.


Function: (dao-table-definition table)

→ string

Given a DAO class, or the name of one, this will produce an SQL query string with a definition of the table. This is just the bare simple definition, so if you need any extra indices or or constraints, you'll have to write your own queries to add them, in which case look to s-sql's create-table function.


Function: (dao-table-name class)

→ string

Get the name of the table associated with the given DAO class (or symbol naming such a class).



Representation of a database connection. Contains login information in order to be able to automatically re-establish a connection when it is somehow closed.



Conditions of this type are signalled when an error occurs that breaks the connection socket. They offer a :reconnect restart.



This is the condition type that will be used to signal virtually all database-related errors (though in some cases socket errors may be raised when a connection fails on the IP level).


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

Code: the Postgresql SQLSTATE code for the error (see the Postgresql Manual Appendix A for their meaning). Not localizable. Always present.


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

Message: the primary human-readable error message. This should be accurate but terse (typically one line). Always present.


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

Detail: an optional secondary error message carrying more detail about the problem. Might run to multiple lines or NIL if none is available.


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

Query that led to the error, or NIL if no query was involved.


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

The condition that caused this error, or NIL when it was not caused by another condition.


Generic Function: (database-error-constraint-name err)

Given a database-error for an integrity violation, will attempt to extract the constraint name.


Function: (database-error-extract-name err)

Given a database-error, will extract the critical name from the error message.


Function: (database-exists-p database)

→ boolean

Checks to see if a particular database exists. Returns T if true, nil if not.


Function: (database-size &optional (name nil))

→ list

Given the name of a database, will return the name, a pretty-print string of the size of the database and the size in bytes. If a database name is not provided, it will return the result for the currently connected database.


Function: (database-version)

→ string

DEPRECATED. This returns the postgresql server version number, not a version number from the currently connected database. The format of the return string is determined by the current postgresql server. E.g. "PostgreSQL 12.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Arch Linux 9.3.0-1) 9.3.0, 64-bit".

If you want just the postgresql version number, use (cl-postgres:get-postgresql-version).


Type for representing NULL values. Use like (or integer db-null) for declaring a type to be an integer that may be null." '(eql :null)


Macro: (define-dao-finalization ((dao-name class) &rest keyword-args) &body body)

Create an :around-method for make-dao. The body is executed in a lexical environment where dao-name is bound to a freshly created and inserted DAO. The representation of the DAO in the database is then updated to reflect changes that body might have introduced. Useful for processing values of slots with the type serial, which are unknown before insert-dao.


Macro: (defprepared name query &optional (format rows))

→ function

This is the macro-style variant of prepare. It is like prepare, but gives the function a name which now becomes a top-level function for the prepared statement. The name should not a string but may be quoted.


Macro: (defprepared-with-names name (&rest args) (query &rest query-args) &optional
 (format rows))

Like defprepared, but allows to specify names of the function arguments in a lambda list as well as arguments supplied to the query.

(defprepared-with-names user-messages (user &key (limit 10))
  ("select * from messages
    where user_id = $1
    order by date desc
    limit $2" (user-id user) limit)


Macro: (deftable name &body definitions)

Define a table. name can be either a symbol or a (symbol string) list. In the first case, the table name is derived from the symbol's name by S-SQL's rules. In the second case, the name is given explicitly. The body of definitions can contain anything that evaluates to a string, as well as S-SQL expressions. The variables table-name and *table-symbol* are bound to the relevant values in the body. Note that the evaluation of the definition is ordered, so you'll generally want to create your table first and then define indices on it.


Generic Function: (delete-dao dao)

Delete the given dao from the database.


Function: (describe-constraint table-name constraint-name)

→ list

Return a list of alists of the descriptions a particular constraint given the table-name and the constraint name using the information_schema table.


Function: (describe-foreign-key-constraints)

→ list

Generates a list of lists of information on the foreign key constraints


Function: (describe-triggers)

→ list

List detailed information on the triggers from the information_schema table.


Function: (describe-views &optional (schema public))

→ list

Describe the current views in the specified schema. Includes the select statements used to create the view. Takes an optional schema but defaults to public schema.


Generic Function: (disconnect database)

Disconnects a normal database connection, or moves a pooled connection into the pool.


Function: (disconnect-toplevel)

Disconnect the *database*.


Macro: (do-query-dao ((type type-var) query) &body body)

→ list

Like query-dao, but iterates over the results rather than returning them. For each matching DAO, body is evaluated with type-var bound to the instance.


(do-query-dao (('user user) (:order-by (:select '* :from 'user :where (:> 'score 10000)) 'name))
  (pushnew user high-scorers))


Macro: (do-select-dao ((type type-var) &optional (test t) &rest ordering) &body body)

Like select-dao, but iterates over the results rather than returning them. For each matching DAO, body is evaluated with type-var bound to the DAO instance.


(do-select-dao (('user user) (:> 'score 10000) 'name)
  (pushnew user high-scorers))


Macro: (doquery query (&rest names) &body body)

Execute the given query (a string or a list starting with a keyword), iterating over the rows in the result. The body will be executed with the values in the row bound to the symbols given in names. To iterate over a parameterised query, one can specify a list whose car is the query, and whose cdr contains the arguments. For example:

(doquery (:select 'name 'score :from 'scores) (n s)
  (incf (gethash n *scores*) s))

(doquery ((:select 'name :from 'scores :where (:> 'score '$1)) 100) (name)
  (print name))




Function: (drop-database database)

Drop the specified database. The database parameter can be a string or a symbol. Note: Only the owner of a database (or superuser) can drop a database and there cannot be any current connections to the database. See Database information below for information specific functions

Postmodern contains a simple system for defining CLOS classes that represent rows in the database. This is not intended as a full-fledged object-relational magic system ― while serious ORM systems have their place, they are notoriously hard to get right, and are outside of the scope of a humble SQL library like this.


Function: (drop-index name &key concurrently if-exists cascade)

Drop an index. Available keys are :concurrently, :if-exists, and :cascade.


Function: (drop-prepared-statement name &key (location both) (database *database*)
 (remove-function t))

The statement name can be a string or quoted symbol.

Prepared statements are stored both in the meta slot in the postmodern connection and in postgresql session information. In the case of prepared statements generated with defprepared, there is also a lisp function with the same name.

If you know the prepared statement name, you can delete the prepared statement from both locations (the default behavior), just from postmodern by passing :postmodern to the location key parameter or just from postgresql by passing :postgresql to the location key parameter.

If you pass the name 'All' as the statement name, it will delete all prepared statements.

The default behavior is to also remove any lisp function of the same name. This behavior is controlled by the remove-function key parameter.


Function: (drop-role role-name &optional (new-owner postgres) (database all))

→ boolean

The role-name and optional new-owner name should be strings. If they are symbols, they will be converted to string and hyphens will be converted to underscores.

Before dropping the role, you must drop all the objects it owns (or reassign their ownership) and revoke any privileges the role has been granted on other objects. If database is :all, drop-role will loop through all databases in the cluster ensuring that the role has no privileges or owned objects in every database. Otherwise drop-role will drop objects owned by a role in the current database.

We will reassign ownership of the objects to the postgres role unless otherwise specified in the optional second parameter. Returns t if successful. Will not drop the postgres role.


Function: (drop-schema schema &key (if-exists nil) (cascade nil))

Drops an existing database schema. Accepts :if-exists and/or :cascade arguments like :drop-table. A notice instead of an error is raised with the is-exists parameter.


Function: (drop-sequence name &key if-exists cascade)

→ list

Drop a sequence. Name should be quoted. Available key parameters are :if-exists and :cascade.


Function: (drop-table table-name &key if-exists cascade)

If a table exists, drop a table. Available additional key parameters are :if-exists and :cascade.


Macro: (ensure-transaction &body body)

Ensures that body is executed within a transaction, but does not begin a new transaction if one is already in progress.


Macro: (ensure-transaction-with-isolation-level isolation-level &body body)

Executes body within a with-transaction form if and only if no transaction is already in progress. This adds the ability to specify an isolation level other than the current default


Macro: (execute query &rest args)

Execute a query, ignore the results. So, in effect, Like a query called with format :none. Returns the amount of affected rows as its first returned value. (Also returns this amount as the second returned value, but use of this is deprecated.)


Function: (execute-file pathname &optional (print nil))

This function will execute sql queries stored in a file. Each sql statement in the file will be run independently, but if one statement fails, subsequent query statements will not be run, but any statement prior to the failing statement will have been commited.

If you want the standard transction treatment such that all statements succeed or no statement succeeds, then ensure that the file starts with a "begin transaction" statement and finishes with an "end transaction" statement. See the test file test-execute-file-broken-transaction.sql as an example.

For debugging purposes, if the optional print parameter is set to t, format will print the count of the query and the query to the REPL.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This utility function assumes that the file containing the sql queries can be trusted and bypasses the normal postmodern parameterization of queries.


Function: (find-postgresql-prepared-statement name)

→ string

Returns the specified named prepared statement (if any) that postgresql has for this session and placed in the meta slot in the connection.


Function: (find-postmodern-prepared-statement name)

→ string

Returns the specified named prepared statement (if any) that postmodern has put in the meta slot in the connection. Note that this is the statement itself, not the name.


Function: (find-primary-key-info table &optional (just-key nil))

→ list

Returns a list of sublists where the sublist contains two strings. If a table primary key consists of only one column, such as 'id' there will be a single sublist where the first string is the name of the column and the second string is the string name for the datatype for that column. If the primary key for the table consists of more than one column, there will be a sublist for each column subpart of the key. The sublists will be in the order they are used in the key, not in the order they appear in the table. If just-key is set to t, the list being returned will contain just the column names in the primary key as string names with no sublists. If the table is not in the public schema, provide the fully qualified table name e.g. schema-name.table-name.


Function: (from-sql-name str)

Convert a string to a symbol, upcasing and replacing underscores with hyphens.


Generic Function: (get-dao type &rest args)

→ dao

Get the single DAO object from the row that has the given primary key values, or NIL if no such row exists. Objects created by this function will have initialize-instance called on them (after loading in the values from the database) without any arguments ― even :default-initargs are skipped. The same goes for select-dao and query-dao.

(get-dao 'country "The Netherlands")
#<COUNTRY {1010F0DCF3}>

From an sql perspective, the standard call to get-dao translates as:

select * from table

NOTE: if you have added fields to the database table without updating the class definition, get-dao and select-dao will throw errors. This may cause your application to appear to hang unless you have the necessary condition handling in your code. Usually this will only happen during development, so throwing an error is not a bad idea. If you want to ignore the errors, set ignore-unknown-columns to t.


Function: (get-database-comment database-name)

→ string

Returns the comment, if any, attached to a database.


Function: (get-pid)

→ integer

Get the process id used by postgresql for this connection.


Function: (get-pid-from-postmodern)

→ integer

Get the process id used by postgresql for this connection, but get it from the postmodern connection parameters.


Function: (get-search-path)

Returns the default schema search path for the current session.


Function: (get-table-comment table-name &optional schema-name)

→ string

Retrieves the comment, if any attached to the table.


Function: (get-table-oid table-name &optional schema-name)

→ integer

Retrieves the oid identifier for a particular table from postgresql. Works for tables in all schemas.


Function: (grant-admin-permissions schema-name role-name &optional (table-name nil))

Grants all privileges to a role for the named schema. If the optional table-name parameter is provided, the privileges are only granted with respect to that table.


Function: (grant-editor-permissions schema-name role-name &optional (table-name nil))

Grants select, insert, update and delete privileges to a role for the named schema. If the optional table-name parameter is provided, the privileges are only granted with respect to that table. Note that we are giving some function execute permissions if table-name is nil, but if the table-name is specified, those are not provided. Your mileage may vary on how many privileges you want to provide to a editor role with access to only a limited number of tables.


Function: (grant-readonly-permissions schema-name role-name &optional (table-name nil))

Grants select privileges to a role for the named schema. If the optional table-name parameter is provided, the privileges are only granted with respect to that table. Note that we are giving some function execute permissions if table-name is nil, but if the table-name is specified, those are not provided. Your mileage may vary on how many privileges you want to provide to a read-only role with access to only a limited number of tables.


Function: (grant-role-permissions role-type name &key (schema public) (tables all)
 (databases all))

Grant-role-permissions assumes that a role has already been created, but permissions need to be granted or revoked on a particular database.

A :superuser can create databases, roles, replication, etc. Returns nil. A :standard user has no particular privileges or restrictions. Returns nil. An :admin user can edit existing data, insert new data and create new tables in the specified databases/schemas/tables. An :editor user can update fields or insert new records but cannot create new tables in the specified tables or databases. A :readonly role can only read existing data in the specified schemas, tables or databases. Schema, tables or databases can be :all or a list of schemas, tables or databases to be granted permission.

Granting :all provides access to all future items of that type as well.

Note that the schema and table rights and revocations granted are limited to the connected database at the time of execution of this function.


Function: (index-exists-p index-name)

→ boolean

Tests whether an index with the given name exists. The name can be either a string or a symbol.


Generic Function: (insert-dao dao)

→ dao

Insert the given dao into the database. Column slots of the object which are unbound implies the database defaults. Hence, if these columns has no defaults defined in the database, the the insertion of the dao will be failed. (This feature only works on PostgreSQL 8.2 and up.)


Function: (list-all-constraints table-name &optional (strings-p))

→ list

Users information_schema to list all the constraints in a table. Table-name can be either a string or quoted. Turns constraints into keywords if strings-p is not true.


Function: (list-all-tables &optional (fully-qualified-names-only nil))

→ list

If fully-qualified-names-only is set to t, returns a flattened list of all schema.table names other than pg_catalog or the information_schema.

Otherwise returns the following info:

schema-name, table-name, table-owner, tablespace, hasindexes, hasrules, hastriggers and rowsecurity(&optional strings-p).


Function: (list-available-collations)

→ list

Get a list of the collations available from the current database cluster. Collations are a mess as different operating systems provide different collations. We might get some sanity if Postgresql can use ICU as the default. See


Function: (list-available-extensions)

→ list

List the postgresql extensions which are available in the system to the currently connected database. The extensions may or may not be installed.


Function: (list-available-types)

→ list

List the available data types in the connected postgresql version, It returns a list of lists, each sublist containing the oid (object identifier number) and the name of the data types. E.g. (21 "smallint")


Function: (list-columns table-name)

→ list

Returns a list of strings of just the column names in a table. Pulls info from the postmodern table-description function rather than directly. The table-name can be a string or quoted. Any table-name that is not fully qualified with the schema will be assumed to be in the public schema.


Function: (list-columns-with-types table-name)

→ list

Returns a list of (name type) lists for the fields of a table. Returns a list of strings of just the column names and their sql data types in a table. Pulls info from the postmodern table-description function rather than directly. The table-name can be a string or quoted. Any table-name that is not fully qualified with the schema will be assumed to be in the public schema.


Function: (list-connections)

→ list

List the current postgresql connections to the currently connected database. It does this by returningo info from pg_stat_activity on open connections.


Function: (list-database-access-rights &optional database-name)

→ list

If the database parameter is specifed, this returns an list of lists where each sublist is a role name and whether they have access rights (t or nil) to that particular database. If the database-name is not provided, the sublist is a database name, a role name and whether they have access rights (t or nil). This excludes the template databases.


Function: (list-database-functions)

→ list

Returns a list of the functions in the database from the information_schema.

DEPRECATED FOR DESCRIBE-TRIGGERS. List detailed information on the triggers from the information_schema table.


Function: (list-database-users)

→ list

List database users (actually 'roles' in Postgresql terminology).


Function: (list-databases &key (order-by-size nil) (size t) (names-only nil))

→ list

Returns a list of lists where each sub-list contains the name of the database, a pretty-print string of the size of that database and the size in bytes. The default order is by database name. Pass t as a parameter to :order-by-size for order by size. Setting size to nil will return just the database names in a single list ordered by name. This function excludes the template databases


Function: (list-detailed-triggers)

→ list


Function: (list-foreign-keys table schema)

→ list

Returns a list of sublists of foreign key info in the form of '((constraint-name local-table local-table-column foreign-table-name foreign-column-name))


Function: (list-index-definitions table-name)

→ list

Returns a list of the definitions used to create the current indexes for the table


Function: (list-indexed-column-and-attributes table-name)

→ list

List the indexed columns and their attributes in a table. Includes primary key.


Function: (list-indices &optional strings-p)

→ list

Return a list of the indexs in a database. Turn them into keywords if strings-p is not true.


Function: (list-installed-extensions)

→ list

List the postgresql extensions which are installed in the currently connected database.


Function: (list-postmodern-prepared-statements &optional (names-only nil))

→ list

List the prepared statements that postmodern has put in the meta slot in the connection. It will return a list of alists of form: ((:NAME . SNY24) (:STATEMENT . (SELECT name, salary FROM employee WHERE (city = \$1))) (:PREPARE-TIME . #<TIMESTAMP 25-11-2018T15:36:43,385>) (:PARAMETER-TYPES . text) (:FROM-SQL)

If the names-only parameter is set to t, it will only return a list of the names of the prepared statements.


Function: (list-prepared-statements &optional (names-only nil))

→ list

This is syntactic sugar. It runs a query that lists the prepared statements in the session in which the function is run. If the names-only parameter is set to t, it will only return a list of the names of the prepared statements.


Function: (list-role-accessible-databases role-name)

→ list

Returns a list of the databases to which the specified role can connect.


Function: (list-role-permissions &optional role)

→ list

This returns a list of sublists of the permissions granted within the currently connected database. If an optional role is provided, the result is limited to that role. The sublist returned will be in the form of role-name, schema-name, table-name and then a string containing all the rights of that role on that table in that schema.


Function: (list-roles &optional (lt nil))

→ list

Returns a list of alists of rolenames, role attributes and membership in roles. See for an explanation. Optionally passing :alists or :plists can be used to set the return list types to :alists or :plists. This is the same as the psql function \du.


Function: (list-schemas)

→ list

List schemas in the current database, excluding the pg_* system schemas.


→ list

List all existing user defined schemata.

Note: The query uses the portable information_schema relations instead of pg_tables relations.

select schema_name
from information_schema.schemata
where schema_name !~ '(pg_*)|information_schema'
order by schema_name ;


Function: (list-sequences &optional strings-p)

→ list

Returns a list of the sequences in the current database. When strings-p is T, the names will be given as strings, otherwise as keywords.


Function: (list-table-indices table-name &optional strings-p)

→ list

List the index names and the related columns in a single table. Each index will be in a separate sublist.


Function: (list-table-sizes &key (schema public) (order-by-size nil) (size t))

→ list

Returns a list of lists (table-name, size in 8k pages) of tables in the current database. Providing a name to the schema parameter will return just the information for tables in that schema. It defaults to just the tables in the public schema. Setting schema to nil will return all tables, indexes etc in the database in descending order of size. This would include system tables, so there are a lot more than you would expect. If :size is set to nil, it returns only a flat list of table names. Setting order-by-size to t will return the result in order of size instead of by table name.


Function: (list-tables &optional (strings-p nil))

→ list

DEPRECATED FOR LIST-ALL-TABLES. Return a list of the tables in the public schema of a database. By default the table names are returned as keywords. They will be returned as lowercase strings if strings-p is true.


Function: (list-tables-in-schema &optional (schema-name public) (strings-p nil))

→ list

Returns a list of tables in a particular schema, defaulting to public. If schema-name is :all, it will return all the non-system tables in the database in fully qualified form: e.g. 'public.test_table'. If string-p is t, the names will be returned as strings with underscores converted to hyphens.


Function: (list-tablespaces)

→ list

Lists the tablespaces in the currently connected database. What are tablespace you ask? Per the Postgresql documentation Tablespaces in PostgreSQL allow database administrators to define locations in the file system where the files representing database objects can be stored. Once created, a tablespace can be referred to by name when creating database objects.

By using tablespaces, an administrator can control the disk layout of a PostgreSQL installation. This is useful in at least two ways. First, if the partition or volume on which the cluster was initialized runs out of space and cannot be extended, a tablespace can be created on a different partition and used until the system can be reconfigured.

Second, tablespaces allow an administrator to use knowledge of the usage pattern of database objects to optimize performance. For example, an index which is very heavily used can be placed on a very fast, highly available disk, such as an expensive solid state device. At the same time a table storing archived data which is rarely used or not performance critical could be stored on a less expensive, slower disk system.


Function: (list-templates)

→ list

Returns a list of existing database template names.


Function: (list-triggers &optional table-name)

→ list

List distinct trigger names from the information_schema table. Table-name can be either quoted or string. (A trigger is a specification that the database should automatically execute a particular function whenever a certain type of operation is performed. Triggers can be attached to tables (partitioned or not), views, and foreign tables. See


Function: (list-unique-or-primary-constraints table-name &optional (strings-p))

→ list

List constraints on a table. Table-name can be either a string or quoted. Turns constraints into keywords if strings-p is not true.


Function: (list-views &optional strings-p)

→ list

Returns list of the user defined views in the current database. When strings-p is T, the names will be returned as strings, otherwise as keywords.


Generic Function: (make-dao type &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)

→ dao

Combines make-instance with insert-dao. Make the instance of the given class and insert it into the database, returning the created dao.


Function: (num-records-in-database)

→ list

Returns a list of lists with schema, table name and approximate number of records in the currently connected database. → list

Returns a list of lists with schema, table name and approximate number of records in the currently connected database.


(declare (ignore precision/scale scale)) 'number


Function: (parse-queries file-content)

→ list

Read SQL queries in given string and split them, returns a list.


Function: (postgres-array-string-to-array str)

"Takes a postgresql array in the form of a string like wol=CTc/wol,a=c/wol,b=c/wol" and returns a lisp list like (wol=CTc/wol" ä=c/wol" b=c/wol)."


Function: (postgres-array-string-to-list str)

→ array

Takes a postgresql array in the form of a string like "{wol=CTc/wol,a=c/wol,b=c/wol}" and returns a lisp array like #("wol=CTc/wol" "a=c/wol" "b=c/wol")


Function: (postgresql-version)

→ string

Returns the version string provided by postgresql of the current postgresql server. E.g. "PostgreSQL 12.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Arch Linux 9.3.0-1) 9.3.0, 64-bit". If you want just the postgresql version number, use (cl-postgres:get-postgresql-version).


Macro: (prepare query &optional (format rows))

→ function

Wraps a query into a function that can be used as the interface to a prepared statement. The given query (either a string or an S-SQL form) may contain placeholders, which look like \$1, \$2, etc. The resulting function takes one argument for every placeholder in the query, executes the prepared query, and returns the result in the format specified. (Allowed formats are the same as for query.)

For queries that have to be run very often, especially when they are complex, it may help performance since the server only has to plan them once. See the PostgreSQL manual for details.

In some cases, the server will complain about not being able to deduce the type of the arguments in a statement. In that case you should add type declarations (either with the PostgreSQL's CAST SQL-conforming syntax or historical :: syntax, or with S-SQL's :type construct) to help it out.

Note that it will attempt to automatically reconnect if database-connection-error, or admin-shutdown. It will reset prepared statements triggering an invalid-sql-statement-name error. It will overwrite old prepared statements triggering a duplicate-prepared-statement error.


Function: (prepared-statement-exists-p name)

→ boolean This returns t if the prepared statement exists in the current postgresql session, otherwise nil.


Macro: (query query &rest args/format)

→ result

Execute the given query, which can be either a string or an S-SQL form (list starting with a keyword). If the query contains placeholders (\$1, \$2, etc) their values can be given as extra arguments. If one of these arguments is a keyword occurring in the table below, it will not be used as a query argument, but will determine the format in which the results are returned instead. Any of the following formats can be used, with the default being :rows:

  --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  :none                 Ignore the result values.
  :lists, :rows         Return a list of lists, each list containing the values for a row.
  :list, :row           Return a single row as a list.
  :alists               Return a list of alists which map column names to values, with the names represented as keywords.
  :alist                Return a single row as an alist.
  :array-hash           Return an array of hashtables which map column names to hash table keys
  :str-alists           Like :alists, but use the original column names.
  :str-alist            Return a single row as an alist, with strings for names.
  :plists               Return a list of plists which map column names to values,with the names represented as keywords.
  :plist                Return a single row as a plist.
  :column               Return a single column as a list.
  :single               Return a single value.
  :single!              Like :single, but raise an error when the number of selected rows is not equal to 1.
  (:dao type)           Return a list of DAOs of the given type. The names of the fields returned by the query must match slots in the DAO class the same way as with query-dao.
  (:dao type :single)   Return a single DAO of the given type.
  --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Some Examples:

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")))
(("Croatia" 4400000 :NULL))

(query (:select 'inhabitants :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :single)

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :alist)
((:NAME . "Croatia") (:INHABITANTS . 4400000) (:SOVEREIGN . :NULL))

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :str-alist)
(("name" . "Croatia") ("inhabitants" . 4400000) ("sovereign" . :NULL))

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :plist)

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :list)
("Croatia" 4400000 :NULL)

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :lists)
(("Croatia" 4400000 :NULL))

(query (:select '* :from 'country) :lists)
(("The Netherlands" 16800000 "Willem-Alexander") ("Croatia" 4400000 :NULL))

(query (:select '* :from 'country) :alists)
(((:NAME . "The Netherlands") (:INHABITANTS . 16800000)
  (:SOVEREIGN . "Willem-Alexander"))
 ((:NAME . "Croatia") (:INHABITANTS . 4400000) (:SOVEREIGN . :NULL)))

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :array-hash)
#(#<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQUAL :COUNT 3 {10106CA323}>)

(query (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) (:dao country))
(#<COUNTRY {1010688943}>)

(query (:select '* :from 'country) (:dao country))
(#<COUNTRY {1010464023}> #<COUNTRY {1010465CB3}>)

(query (:select 'inhabitants :from 'country :where (:= 'name "Croatia")) :column)

If the database returns information about the amount rows that were affected, such as with updating or deleting queries, this is returned as a second value.


Macro: (query-dao type query &rest args)

→ list

Execute the given query (which can be either a string or an S-SQL expression) and return the result as DAOs of the given type. If the query contains placeholders (\$1, \$2, etc) their values can be given as extra arguments. The names of the fields returned by the query must either match slots in the DAO class, or be bound through with-column-writers.


Function: (read-queries filename)

Read SQL queries in a given file and split them, returns a list.




Generic Function: (reconnect database)

Reconnect a disconnected database connection. This is not allowed for pooled connections ― after they are disconnected they might be in use by some other process, and should no longer be used.


Macro: (register-sql-operators arity &rest names)

Define simple operators. Arity is one of :unary (like 'not'), :unary-postfix (the operator comes after the operand), :n-ary (like + : the operator falls away when there is only one operand), :2+-ary (like '=', which is meaningless for one operand), or :n-or-unary (like '-', where the operator is kept in the unary case). After the arity follow any number of operators, either just a keyword, in which case the downcased symbol name is used as the operator, or a two-element list containing a keyword and a name string.


Function: (release-savepoint savepoint)

Immediately release a savepoint, commiting its results.


Function: (reset-prepared-statement condition)

→ restart

If you have received an invalid-prepared-statement error but the prepared statement is still in the meta slot in the postmodern connection, this will try to regenerate the prepared statement at the database connection level and restart the connection.


Function: (revoke-all-on-table table-name role-name)

Takes a table-name which could be a string, symbol or list of strings or symbols of tables names, a role name and revokes all privileges that role-name may have with that/those tables. This is limited to the currently connected database and can only revoke the privileges granted by the caller of the function.


Function: (role-exists-p role-name)

→ boolean

Does the named role exist in this database cluster? Returns t or nil.


Function: (rollback-savepoint savepoint)

Immediately roll back a savepoint, aborting the results.


Function: (save-dao dao)

→ boolean

Tries to insert the given dao using insert-dao. If this raises a unique key violation error, it tries to update it by using update-dao instead. Be aware that there is a possible race condition here ― if some other process deletes the row at just the right moment, the update fails as well. Returns a boolean telling you whether a new row was inserted.

This function is unsafe to use inside of a transaction ― when a row with the given keys already exists, the transaction will be aborted. Use save-dao/transaction instead in such a situation.

See also: upsert-dao.


Function: (save-dao/transaction dao)

→ boolean

The transaction safe version of save-dao. Tries to insert the given dao using insert-dao. If this raises a unique key violation error, it tries to update it by using update-dao instead. Be aware that there is a possible race condition here ― if some other process deletes the row at just the right moment, the update fails as well. Returns a boolean telling you whether a new row was inserted.

Acts exactly like save-dao, except that it protects its attempt to insert the object with a rollback point, so that a failure will not abort the transaction.

See also: upsert-dao.


Function: (schema-exists-p name)

→ boolean

Tests the existence of a given schema. Returns T if the schema exists or NIL otherwise. The name provided can be either a string or quoted symbol.


Macro: (select-dao type &optional (test t) &rest ordering)

→ list

Select DAO objects for the rows in the associated table for which the given test (either an S-SQL expression or a string) holds. When sorting arguments are given, which can also be S-SQL forms or strings, these are used to sort the result.

(Note that, if you want to sort, you have to pass the test argument.)

(select-dao 'country)
(#<COUNTRY {101088F6F3}> #<COUNTRY {101088FAA3}>)

(select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 50000000))

(select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 5000000))
(#<COUNTRY {10108AD293}>)

(select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 5000))
(#<COUNTRY {10108CA773}> #<COUNTRY {10108CAB23}>)

(select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 5000) 'name) ;sorted by name
(#<COUNTRY {10108EF423}> #<COUNTRY {10108EF643}>)

(mapcar 'country-name (select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 5000) 'name))
("Croatia" "The Netherlands")

(mapcar 'country-name (select-dao 'country (:> 'inhabitants 5000)))
("The Netherlands" "Croatia")

If for some reason, you wanted the list in reverse alphabetical order, then:

(select-dao 'country (:> 'id  0) (:desc 'name))


Function: (sequence-exists-p sequence)

→ boolean

Tests whether a sequence with the given name exists. The name can be either a string or a symbol.


Function: (sequence-next sequence)

→ integer

Shortcut for getting the next value from a sequence. The sequence identifier can be either a string or a symbol, in the latter case it will be converted to a string according to S-SQL rules.






Function: (set-search-path path)

This changes the postgresql runtime parameter controlling what order schemas are searched. You can always use fully qualified names [schema.table]. By default, this function only changes the search path for the current session. This function is used by with-schema.


'(signed-byte 16)


Function: (split-fully-qualified-tablename name)

→ list Take a tablename of the form database.schema.table or schema.table or table and return the tablename and the schema name. The name can be a symbol or a string. Returns a list of form '(table schema database. If the tablename is not fully qualified, it will assume that the schema should be public.


Macro: (sql form)

→ string

Convert the given form (a list starting with a keyword) to an SQL query string at compile time, according to the rules described here. For example:

(sql (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'a 1)))
 "(SELECT * FROM country WHERE (a = 1))"


(sql '(:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'a 1)))

would throw an error. For the later case you need to use sql-compile.


Function: (sql-compile form)

→ string

This is the run-time variant of the sql macro. It converts the given list to an SQL query, with the same rules except that symbols in this list do not have to be quoted to be interpreted as identifiers. For example:

(sql-compile '(:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'a 1)))

 \"(SELECT * FROM country WHERE (a = 1))\"


(sql (:select '* :from 'country :where (:= 'a 1)))

would throw an error. For the later case you need to use sql.


Function: (sql-error control &rest args)

No documentation provided.


Generic Function: (sql-escape arg)

A generalisation of sql-escape-string looks at the type of the value passed, and properly writes it out it for inclusion in an SQL query. Symbols will be converted to SQL names. Examples:

(sql-escape "tr'-x")


(sql-escape (/ 1 13))


(sql-escape #("Baden-Wurttemberg" "Bavaria" "Berlin" "Brandenburg"))

"ARRAY[E'Baden-Wurttemberg', E'Bavaria', E'Berlin', E'Brandenburg']"


Function: (sql-escape-string string &optional prefix)

→ string

Escapes a string for inclusion in a PostgreSQL query. Example:

(sql-escape-string \"Puss in 'Boots'\")

\"E'Puss in ''Boots'''\"


Function: (table-description table-name &optional schema-name)

→ list

Returns a list of the fields in the named table. Each field is represented by a list of three elements: the field name, the type, and a boolean indicating whether the field may be NULL.

Table can be either a string or quoted. Table-names can be fully qualified with the schema or not. If the table-name is not fully qualified and a schema name is not provided, the table will be assumed to be in the public schema.


Function: (table-description-plus table-name &optional schema-name)

→ list

Returns more table info than table-description. Specifically returns ordinal-position, column-name, data-type, character-maximum-length, modifier, whether it is not-null and the default value.

Table can be either a string or quoted. Table-names can be fully qualified with the schema or not. If the table-name is not fully qualified and a schema name is not provided, the table will be assumed to be in the public schema.


Function: (table-exists-p table-name &optional schema-name)

→ boolean

Check whether a table exists in a particular schema. Defaults to the search path. Takes either a string or a symbol for the table name. The table-name can be fully qualified in the form of schema.table-name or database.schema.table-name. If the schema is specified either in a qualified table-name or in the optional schema-name parameter, we look directly to the information schema tables. Otherwise we use the search path which can be controlled by being within a with-schema form.


Function: (table-size table-name)

→ list

Return the size of a given postgresql table in k or m. Table-name can be either a string or quoted.


Function: (terminate-backend pid &optional (database *database*))

Less polite way of terminating at the database (as opposed to calling close-database). Faster than (cancel-backend pid) and more reliable.


Generic Function: (text condition)



Function: (to-sql-name name &optional (escape-p *escape-sql-names-p*)
 (ignore-reserved-words nil))

Convert a symbol or string into a name that can be a sql table, column, or operation name. Add quotes when escape-p is true, or escape-p is :auto and the name contains reserved words. Quoted or delimited identifiers can be used by passing :literal as the value of escape-p. If escape-p is :literal, and the name is a string then the string is still escaped but the symbol or string is not downcased, regardless of the setting for downcase-symbols and the hyphen and forward slash characters are not replaced with underscores.

Ignore-reserved-words is only used internally for column names which are allowed to be reserved words, but it is not recommended.


→ list

Returns a list of lists showing schema.table, indexname, index_size and number of scans. The code was borrowed from:


Generic Function: (update-dao dao)

→ dao

Update the representation of the given dao in the database to the values in the object. This is not defined for tables that do not have any non-primary-key columns. Raises an error when no row matching the dao exists.


Generic Function: (upsert-dao dao)

→ dao

Like save-dao or save-dao/transaction but using a different method that doesn't involve a database exception. This is safe to use both in and outside a transaction, though it's advisable to always do it in a transaction to prevent a race condition. The way it works is:

If the object contains unbound slots, we call insert-dao directly, thus the behavior is like save-dao.

Otherwise we try to update a record with the same primary key. If the PostgreSQL returns a non-zero number of rows updated it treated as the record is already exists in the database, and we stop here.

If the PostgreSQL returns a zero number of rows updated, it treated as the record does not exist and we call insert-dao.

The race condition might occur at step 3 if there's no transaction: if UPDATE returns zero number of rows updated and another thread inserts the record at that moment, the insertion implied by step 3 will fail.

Note, that triggers and rules may affect the number of inserted or updated rows returned by PostgreSQL, so zero or non-zero number of affected rows may not actually indicate the existence of record in the database.

This method returns two values: the DAO object and a boolean (T if the object was inserted, NIL if it was updated).


(declare (ignore length)) `string)


Function: (view-exists-p view)

→ boolean

Tests whether a view with the given name exists. Takes either a string or a symbol for the view name.


Macro: (with-column-writers (&rest defs) &body body)

Provides control over the way get-dao, select-dao, and query-dao read values from the database. This is not commonly needed, but can be used to reduce the amount of queries a system makes. writers should be a list of alternating column names (strings or symbols) and writers, where writers are either symbols referring to a slot in the objects, or functions taking two arguments ― an instance and a value ― which can be used to somehow store the value in the new instance. When any DAO-fetching function is called in the body, and columns matching the given names are encountered in the result, the writers are used instead of the default behaviour (try and store the value in the slot that matches the column name).

An example of using this is to add some non-column slots to a DAO class, and use query-dao within a with-column-writers form to pull in extra information about the objects, and immediately store it in the new instances.


Macro: (with-connection spec &body body)

Evaluates the body with database bound to a connection as specified by spec, which should be list that connect can be applied to.


Macro: (with-logical-transaction
 (&optional (name nil) (isolation-level *isolation-level*)) &body body)

Executes body within a with-transaction form if no transaction is currently in progress, otherwise simulates a nested transaction by executing it within a with-savepoint form. The transaction or savepoint is bound to name if one is supplied. The isolation-level will set the isolation-level used by the transaction.

You can specify the following isolation levels in postmodern transactions:

  • :read-committed-rw (read committed with read and write)
  • :read-committed-ro (read committed with read only)
  • :repeatable-read-rw (repeatable read with read and write)
  • :repeatable-read-ro (repeatable read with read only)
  • :serializable (serializable with reand and write)

For more information see isolation-notes

Sample usage where "george" is just the name given to the transaction (not quoted or a string) and ... simply indicates other statements would be expected here:

(with-logical-transaction ()
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 77))

(with-logical-transaction (george)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 22))

(with-logical-transaction (george :read-committed-rw)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 33))

(with-logical-transaction (:serializable)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 44))


Macro: (with-savepoint name &body body)

Can only be used within a transaction. Establishes a savepoint with the given name at the start of body, and binds the same name to a handle for that savepoint. The body is executed and, at the end of body, the savepoint is released, unless a condition is thrown, in which case it is rolled back. Execute the body within a savepoint, releasing savepoint when the body exits normally, and rolling back otherwise. NAME is both the variable that can be used to release or rolled back before the body unwinds, and the SQL name of the savepoint.


Macro: (with-schema (schema &key (strict t) (if-not-exist create) (drop-after nil))
 &body form)

A macro to set the schema search path (namespace) of the postgresql database to include as first entry a specified schema and then executes the body. Before executing body the PostgreSQL's session variable search_path is set to the given namespace. After executing body the search_path variable is restored to the original value.

Calling with :strict 't only the specified schema is set as current search path. All other schema are then not searched any more. If strict is nil, the namespace is just first schema on the search path upon the the body execution.

Calling with :if-not-exist set to :create the schema is created if this schema did not exist.

Calling with :if-not-exist set to nil, an error is signaled.

calling with drop-after set to 't the schema is removed after the execution of the body form.

example :

(with-schema (:schema-name :strict nil :drop-after nil :if-not-exist :error) (foo 1) (foo 2))

example :

(with-schema ('uniq :if-not-exist :create) ;; changing the search path (schema-exists-p 'uniq))


Macro: (with-transaction (&optional name isolation-level) &body body)

Execute the given body within a database transaction, committing it when the body exits normally, and aborting otherwise. An optional name and/or isolation-level can be given to the transaction. The name can be used to force a commit or abort before the body unwinds. The isolation-level will set the isolation-level used by the transaction.

You can specify the following isolation levels in postmodern transactions:

  • :read-committed-rw (read committed with read and write)
  • :read-committed-ro (read committed with read only)
  • :repeatable-read-rw (repeatable read with read and write)
  • :repeatable-read-ro (repeatable read with read only)
  • :serializable (serializable with reand and write)

Sample usage where "george" is just the name given to the transaction (not quoted or a string) and ... simply indicates other statements would be expected here:

(with-transaction ()
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 77))

(with-transaction (george)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 22))

(with-transaction (george :read-committed-rw)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 33))
  (query (:select '* :from 'test-data))

(with-transaction (:serializable)
  (execute (:insert-into 'test-data :set 'value 44))

Further discussion of transactions and isolation levels can found at isolation-notes.html in the doc directory.