cl-who - DSL for Markup

Version: 1.1.4
Nickname: who
Licence: BSD
Repository: edicl/cl-who - Github
See also: awesome-cl#html-generators-and-templates

This documentation is possible due to the excellent official documentation as of 5th May 2020.

In case of any inaccuracies, ambiguities or suggestions, please create an issue here.

CL-WHO primarily provides a single macro with-html-output to convert S-expressions intermingled with code into (X)HTML, XML and the likes.


with-html-output and with-html-output-to-string are the basic macros to get going:

CL-USER> (defparameter *site-alist*
           '(("" . "Frank Zappa")
             ("" . "Marcus Miller")
             ("" . "Miles Davis")))

CL-USER> (format t
                 (with-html-output-to-string (s nil :indent t)
                   (loop for (link . title) in *site-alist*
                      do (htm (:a :href link
                                  (:b (str title))) ; <- note the str!

<a href=''>
  <b>Frank Zappa
<br />
<a href=''>
  <b>Marcus Miller
<br />
<a href=''>
  <b>Miles Davis
<br />

CL-USER> (format t
                 (with-output-to-string (s)
                   (with-html-output (s s :indent t)
                     (loop for (link . title) in *site-alist*
                        do (htm (:a :href link
                                    (:b (str title))) ; <- note the str!

<a href=''>
  <b>Frank Zappa
<br />
<a href=''>
  <b>Marcus Miller
<br />
<a href=''>
  <b>Miles Davis
<br />

Inside these macros, there exist the lexically scoped macros:

  • esc as short-hand for escape-string
  • fmt as short-hand for cl:format
  • htm as short-hand for (another) with-html-output.
  • str as short-hand for, well, writing to the "inner html" rather than attributes; basically the difference between these two:
CL-USER> (let ((string "hello")
               (class "world"))
           (with-html-output-to-string (s nil :indent t)
             (htm (:div :class class string))))
<div class='world'>
CL-USER> (let ((string "hello")
               (class "world"))
           (with-html-output-to-string (s nil :indent t)
             (htm (:div :class class (str string)))))
<div class='world'>hello

In this case, str could equivalently be replaced by fmt or esc.

Also see html-mode. Detailed transformation rules are available in the official documentation.




Quote character for attributes.



If NIL, a keyword symbol representing a tag or attribute name will not be automatically converted to lowercase. If T, the tag and attribute name will be converted to lowercase only if it is in the same case. This is useful when one needs to output case sensitive XML.



Set this to t to enable attribute minimization (also called "boolean attributes", or "empty attribute syntax" according to the w3 html standard). In XHTML attribute minimization is forbidden, and all attributes must have a value. Thus in XHTML boolean attributes must be defined as <input disabled='disabled' />. In HTML5 boolean attributes can be defined as <input disabled>

If it is NIL the attribute will be left out completely.

(:td :nowrap nil) => "<td />"



Used by escape-string to test whether a character should be escaped.



Set this to NIL to if you want to use CL-WHO as a strict XML generator. Otherwise, CL-WHO will only write empty tags listed in *html-empty-tags* as <tag/> (XHTML mode) or <tag> (SGML mode and HTML5 mode). For all other tags, it will always generate <tag></tag>.



The list of HTML tags that should be output as empty tags. See *html-empty-tag-aware-p*.



The list of HTML tags that should disable indentation inside them. The initial value is a list containing only :pre and :textarea.



This is the first line that'll be printed if the :prologue keyword argument is T



Function: (conc &rest string-list)

Concatenates all arguments which should be string into one string.


Function: (convert-attributes attr-list)

Helper function for convert-tag-to-string-list which converts the alist attr-list of attributes into a list of strings and/or Lisp forms.


Generic Function: (convert-tag-to-string-list tag attr-list body body-fn)

Used by cl-who::process-tag to convert HTML into a list of strings. tag is a keyword symbol naming the outer tag, attr-list is an alist of its attributes (the car is the attribute's name as a keyword, the cdr is its value), body is the tag's body, and body-fn is a function which should be applied to body. The function must return a list of strings or Lisp forms.



Function: (escape-char char &key (test *escape-char-p*))

Returns an escaped version of the character char if char satisfies the predicate test. Always returns a string.


Function: (escape-char-all char)

Escapes characters which aren't in the 7-bit ASCII character set.


Function: (escape-char-iso-8859-1 char)

Escapes characters that aren't defined in ISO-8859-9.


Function: (escape-char-minimal char)

Escapes only #<, #>, and #& characters.


Function: (escape-char-minimal-plus-quotes char)

Like escape-char-minimal but also escapes quotes.


Function: (escape-string string &key (test *escape-char-p*))

Escape all characters in string which pass test. This function is not guaranteed to return a fresh string. Note that you can pass NIL for string which'll just be returned.


Function: (escape-string-all string)

Escapes all characters in string which aren't in the 7-bit ASCII character set.


Function: (escape-string-iso-8859-1 string)

Escapes all characters in string which aren't defined in ISO-8859-1.


Function: (escape-string-minimal string)

Escapes only #<, #>, and #& in string.


Function: (escape-string-minimal-plus-quotes string)

Like escape-string-minimal but also escapes quotes.




Function: (html-mode)

Returns the current HTML mode. :SGML for (SGML-)HTML, :XML for XHTML and :HTML5 for HTML5 (HTML syntax).

Function: (setf (html-mode) mode)

Sets the output mode to XHTML or (SGML-)HTML. MODE can be :SGML for HTML, :XML for XHTML or :HTML5 for HTML5 (HTML syntax).



Macro: (with-html-output (var &optional stream &rest rest &key prologue indent) &body body)

Transform the enclosed body consisting of HTML as s-expressions into Lisp code to write the corresponding HTML as strings to var - which should either hold a stream or which'll be bound to STREAM if supplied.


Macro: (with-html-output-to-string (var &optional string-form &key prologue
                                    indent) &body body)

Transform the enclosed body consisting of HTML as s-expressions into Lisp code which creates the corresponding HTML as a string.